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Class: TouchBarColorPicker

Class: TouchBarColorPicker

Create a color picker in the touch bar for native macOS applications

Процесс: Main
Этот класс не экспортируется из модуля 'electron'. Он доступен только в качестве возвращаемого значения других методов в Electron API.

new TouchBarColorPicker(options)

  • options Object
    • availableColors string[] (optional) - Array of hex color strings to appear as possible colors to select.
    • selectedColor string (optional) - The selected hex color in the picker, i.e #ABCDEF.
    • change Function (optional) - Function to call when a color is selected.
      • color string - The color that the user selected from the picker.

Свойства экземпляра

Для экземпляров TouchBarColorPicker доступны следующие свойства:


A string[] array representing the color picker's available colors to select. Changing this value immediately updates the color picker in the touch bar.


A string hex code representing the color picker's currently selected color. Changing this value immediately updates the color picker in the touch bar.